What Is Display Advertisement and How to Use It For Your Business?

Display advertising is often associated with online media, but as a marketing principle, By Digital Marketing Institute it has been in use nearly as long as print media. Nevertheless, as companies, customers, and individuals are more likely to turn to the internet to find or research information about different companies, display advertising has become commonplace on web pages and search engines. Therefore, for marketing purposes, display advertising continues to be one of the most versatile methods for spreading the word about your company and its products and/or services.

What is Display Advertising?

Simply put, it is a type of advertising that utilizes text, logos, images, maps, and other items to bring attention to a business, product, or service. Traditional display advertising in magazines and periodicals appears next to general editorial content. You may be familiar with organizations taking out "a full-page ad" which is essentially this type of advertising in a popular magazine or newspaper.

With respect to online media, display advertising is graphic or text advertising on the World Wide Web that may appear in different formats, next to content on web pages, emails, IM applications, and more. Also known as banner ads, advertising for online media has an advantage over traditional display ads because online ads can feature rich media such as video, audio, or animation in addition to text, logos, and images etc. Furthermore, recent advances in display advertising also allow for interactive content which utilizes the active participation of the recipient and thereby making a stronger connection with potential clients.

More importantly, this type of advertising allows a company to more specifically target their clientele and to more thoroughly track the performance of advertising campaigns; these are two distinct advantages over print ads. Through online advertising, a company can target various demographics of potential clients including age, geographic location, gender and more. Tracking options that measure the success of an advertising campaign include gathering information about impressions, clicks, and even conversions that allow you to directly evaluate your return on investment.

How to Use it for your Business

Display advertising can be a highly effective method of attracting new customers; but just as traditional advertising techniques relied on sound marketing principles, so do online display ads. Ideally, you will want to work with an internet marketing professional who has proven experience in developing effective display ads. The best banner ads feature quality images, videos, and/or audio along with highly compelling text that will entice recipients to click on your ad.

Here are a few tips that can help you develop an exceptional display advertising campaign:

  • Choose colors that are easy to view, and try to use your brand colour schemes.
  • Ensure text utilizes a clear message and call-to-action.
  • Try to be unique in your approach.
  • Try to put yourself in your customer's position and evaluate your ads objectively.

One of the main advantages of display advertising is that you are usually reaching the right audience. For example, they are already looking at information referring to the product or service you are advertising. Therefore, advertising that information on the site sort of goes hand and hand. Many times customers simply assume that was exactly what they were looking for. If they are reading about where to find coupons and there is an ad for a coupon company as you scroll over the text, then the display advertising successfully directs the person to the right location. Thus, it can be extremely effective.

It can also be affordable; therefore you have a chance of generating a better ROI when you utilize this form of advertising. Many people say that it allows them to effectively reach their network and demographics. This is one of the top goals when it comes to advertising.


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