The Role of Graphic Design in Web Designing

Graphics play an important role when designing a website. But they are to be used carefully and only when necessary. For instance, when people see a Flash intro, they almost instinctively choose the 'Skip Intro' button. When used carefully, graphics impart visual attraction and facilitates the usability of a website. For instance, haven't you been in a situation where you had to choose between two products of the same quality, but one was more visually appealing than the other? And I'm sure that you chose the one that looked appealing! A good graphic design when strategically placed besides a relevant text helps to emphasize its significance, thereby luring you to buy it.

Graphic designers are often criticized for getting too involved in the artistic aspect of the design and not understanding the subtle difference between what works and what does not. It's a general claim that graphic designers belong to the print media where they contribute by designing brochures, billboards, and book covers. There may be truth to this argument. The Flash Intro that I earlier mentioned about is a classic example of this fact. But then, what works for one situation need not necessarily work in another, causing its relevance to be dynamic. For instance, the specifics for a content driven page are different from the specifics for a brand campaign. A designer who knows about his targeted audience and understands the relevance of his content is sure to be successful in the web designing arena.

Once this is understood, the designer organizes the text, color, and graphics through different formats and layouts. The designer also takes care of aspects like balance, color, contrast, movement, pattern, proportion, repetition and rhythm. Practical graphic designs have become an integral part of web designing and are increasingly used to bring about subtle changes to the site.

Some websites have incorporated a feature where the navigation becomes bigger when you get closer to it. This makes you easier to get to your target, thereby making it user friendly. This is an example where graphic design has been used to make an effective change.

A good web development company employs a wide variety of professionals including graphic designers to help them enhance the visual appeal of the site. Their role may be limited but it is nevertheless important. Graphic designers blend technology and art to communicate the message in a clear, convenient and unambiguous manner.


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